Whole Building Modelling

Our services

To create holistic and innovative solutions, we must first look at a project from every angle. Incorporating whole building modelling allows us to assess many facets of a design, and how each of those can be improved upon individually, and collectively.

Whole building modelling


Sustainability and energy modelling and simulations are exceptionally advanced tools in deciphering the current standpoint of a building. By combining the likes of energy modelling, daylight simulation, comfort modelling, and peak energy demand our team is able to accurately create representations of the building. It defines the potential for optimisation and enhancements of a building’s energy performance. These models create the foundation of how assessments are interpreted and presented, and solutions curated.


Our team undertakes a thorough and integrated approach to our assessment process. Ranging greatly to ensure that all facets of buildings are covered off and supported through our solution creations, we believe that the best solutions come when you have the most information. You can engage our team to provide support, guidance, and results for:

  • Life cycle assessments
  • Passive design strategy assessments, including solar shading and thermal mass
  • Whole building ventilation strategy assessment, including natural ventilation and stack effect
  • Comfort assessment, and key driver breakdown
  • Peak building loads
  • Overheating impact assessments, with thermal comfort knock-on effects
  • Sunlight assessments for daylight dimming strategies
  • Capital and running costs analysis


Post the creation of simulations and models, and the assessments of multiple factors within a building, we are able to develop individual reports to aid in progressing any and all recommendations. From creating feasibility reports on renewable energy to offset building energy benchmarks to developing demand management plans, our team can create comprehensive solution reports for our clients.

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