As the Manager of the Sustainability team at CADDS Group, Evan Logan has been a part of delivering some incredibly impactful and influential work. Though what has made his impact so significant is his commitment to not just his industry and profession, but to the CADDS Group as a whole. Evan has now celebrated fifteen years of working with CADDS, and fifteen years of helping shape a greener future for our industry.
“When I started at CADDS I was straight out of university, fresh faced and had no idea what I was doing” Evan explained about his early days at the Group. In 2006, when Evan started, the business was much smaller, with around ten people in total. When asked about the attraction to the Group back then, Evan explained “I saw the opportunity that I could grow with the company. While at the same time the Energy provisions had just come into the Building Code, which was the start of legislation around building code compliance, and that was something I really wanted to be part of it.”
Evan quickly became a highly influential member of the Group, and as a result began to grow a division and build a team around him. As the Energy space gained more traction and support, so too did the team within CADDS. Evan explained that is was the support and encouragement from the management level that has fuelled his team through the years, “I have learnt a lot about myself and I don’t believe I would have had the opportunity elsewhere. So, I am very grateful.
“And now seeing the growth of team members within the division and what they continue to achieve and to contribute is rewarding. The entire team, both past and present, has added some element to build the division.”
Throughout fifteen years, a person would undoubtedly see a great deal of change in any company. For Evan, he has watched many elements change, one of the most notable being the evolution of his division. From starting as having a focus on minimum compliance in the residential space through to commercial, and now competing against significant international firms, working on ‘Australian-first’ projects. The development can largely be credited to Evan’s knowledge, hands-on experience, and dedication to his profession.
Like any role, there have been challenges, for Evan the experience of managing a team, driving opportunity in a division, and allowing growth in his own experience has been an interesting balance to master, but a rewarding experience none the less. “Building experience, getting the opportunity to work on innovative projects to attract and retain staff, while still supporting the team has been a huge learning curve and constant challenge”.
When speaking with CADDS Group Managing Director, Darren Clark, we asked of the importance of consistency and longevity of team members. Darren went on to explain “having team members grow through the business allow them to have a deeper connection to the whole Group and to want to achieve more than just business goals, but personal and professional goals as well. We see people like Evan really commit to their work and in turn create incredible teams and even more impressive work. We are really proud of everything the Energy and Sustainability team has achieved and believe in where they are going next”.
Looking to the future, the world of Energy and Sustainability has a bright one ahead of it. For Evan, the opportunities are endless, “I am excited for how the division can contribute to the growth and diversity of the Group to provide new opportunities. I believe Sustainability is core part of many businesses and I look forward to trying to incorporate key principles into our practice.”
From everyone at CADDS Group, congratulations Evan. We cannot wait to see how you foster a more sustainable world over the next fifteen years.