Wear Analysis Project

Wear Analysis Project

CADDS Group was one of the first vendors to offer the innovative use of laser scanners to conduct wear analysis reports, predominantly for chute liners initially.


We commenced wear analysis for Cape Lambert in 2015 and have since been running an ongoing dedicated wear team, with over 2,000 wear analysis projects completed in the last 5 years for assets of every kind.

CADDS have invested extensively into project-specific IT, workflows, development of custom scanning jig equipment, offshoring, process alignment and customised wear reports over the life of the project, in order to maximise cost efficiency, improve deliverable usability, and reduce report turnaround times to 10 days.

Over the course of the project, we have also introduced improvements to the deliverables to keep up with industry and technology changes, including 360° photos, visual asset management, and wear maps.


Project Features:

  • Large-scale 3D laser scan to model
  • High Precision Control Network (HPCN) coordination
  • Leica RTC Terrestrial Laser Scanners used
  • Scanning and Modelling Project Process Workflow used
  • Data delivery in multiple formats
  • RTIO Coastal site location
< $ 5 M

Project value completed to date


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