Industry Standard

Our services

The evolution of Best Practice Industry Standards has seen many developments through recent years. These standards create platforms for businesses and individuals alike to create change by having a benchmark to attain.

Our goal is to combine our technical expertise with the depth of our experience to support clients in achieving this. We simplify the process and provide support in achieving these goals.

Industry standard

Green star

Simply put, Green Star assesses the existing operational performance of buildings through nine categories. This system is used to outline the current success of a business and manage for the future on existing assets. This can also help in communicating a business’s commitment to future change. This is a powerful tool that can aid in developing a ‘continuous improvement framework’ to set a strategy for the future.


Based on scientific evidence, the WELL Building Standard is used to measure, certify, and monitor the performance of a building against the impact it has on health and well-being. This strategy focuses centrally on the impact of buildings on people and works to improve sustainability against this. Focusing on design, the framework establishes how to provide and improve healthy workplaces. With correlations between a healthier workplace and employee productivity, among other positive results, the WELL method breaks strides in a new era.


The National Australian Built Environment Rating System established clear and reliable sustainability measurements across sectors such as hotels, shopping centres, apartment complexes, offices, and more. These building types are able to be accurately measured so those responsible can understand more thoroughly the environmental impact of the buildings. In turn, strategies and plans can be created to reduce not only the impact but the costs of operating such buildings.

One Planet Living 

As it stands, we are collectively acting like we have more than one planet. The One Planet Living framework is built from 10 principles, detailed goals, and clear guidance for achieving sustainability. Built to aid organisations achieve their common goal of a cleaner future, the framework is flexible and built on years of detailed experience and scientific research.

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